Thursday, May 12

rain, rain stay all day

We have been waiting and waiting and waiting for rain here in Texas.
Today many prayers were answered.
Of course we had to splash in it, jump in it, run in it and dance in it.

I pushed the couch underneath our front window so Hallie and I could watch the rain storm. We sang songs like Bushel and a Peck (Hallie loves the doodle oodle oodle part) and If You Have a Nickel. I so vividly remember doing the same thing with my mom when I was a little girl.

The rest of the day has been spent watching movies. The air mattress is set up in the living room with blankets and pillows everywhere. We have snuggled and snacked on pancakes and played airplane.

I love days like today.

Project 52: Glimpse Into Motherhood


mike + ellen said...

oh man...move to portland if you want some rain! :)

PS: hallies little rainboots are TO DIE FOR cute! where did you get them?

Sami Jo Photography said...

love* not loved

Sami Jo Photography said...

amazing photos! i loved them. will you be my assistant photographer?

mommy of Five said...

I've been waiting for the chance to get some rain photos as well....last week was sunny and 70's. tomorrow starts 60's and RAIN!! i'm excited!!

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