Friday, October 7

Blogger Q+A / Crowley Party

Blogger Q+A is a monthly feature where we hear from some of our favorite bloggers. The questions are easy and fun and the answers are always entertaining. Read along as we get to know the best writers, fashionistas, crafters, mommies, and inspirations the blogosphere has to offer.

This week's featured blogger is Alycia at the Crowley Party. I always enjoy reading her posts and am secretly jealous of her awesome hair and killer style. She is so real and friendly and upbeat, I feel like I've known her for years. And she just entered the crazy world of being a law school wife so of course I love reading about her experiences.

Hello there! I am Alycia.
My blog started off as a place to document the life of me and the hubberz, & since then has grown into a creative outlet where I can share the things I love :) food, fashion, crafts & anything else life has to offer me! Trevor & I follow the mantra that life should be a party, hence the blog title, Crowley Party.
I love the blogging world for so many reasons, but mainly because you get to make connections & bounce creativity off each other! So come over, Join the Party, and say HELLO!

What is your name?  Alycia Crowley :)

Blog address:               

Where is your favorite place to relax?  The beach! Sitting in the sand, soaking up the sun, reading a good book.

What is your guilty pleasure CD or song?  Oh man, that’s a toughie. I think probably the Spice Girls. I love it because it reminds me of my youth and they are so fun to sing. However I am totally embarrassed to admit that!

Do you have any bad habits?  I don't know. Let me think. I think my worst bad habit is that I talk a lot, and sometimes without meaning to I can talk over people who are quieter. I try and pay attention to that and make sure I am not dominating conversation.

Who would you hate to be stuck in a room with?  Anyone who is mean, haha.Um, I don't know... probably a serial killer. Unless it was Dexter, I wouldn't mind him :) haha

What do you do to vent anger?  I like to clean or workout. I try and do things that result in something productive where I can release my energy! haha

What are your most loved comfort foods?  Mac n Cheese has always been an all time favorite of mine! Also, there is nothing better then some homemade mashed potatoes and gravey…. *drool*

What characteristics do you love?  I love when people are confident, yet humble. I like someone who can make me laugh, people who are easy to talk to. I like when people are are just really genuine, when they know who they are and they stick with it.

Do you sing in the car?  Who doesn't?! My mom also got me in the habit of using my pinky as a microphone!

Who was you first movie star crush?  Heath Ledger :) I always found him to be super dreamy! My favorite moment is during A Knights Tale, when he is making his way up over the hill after all his training and they have given him his hair cut.... *swooooon* haha

Favorite beauty product?  Currently it would probably be my mascara. I am in love with the "falsies" mascara they have out now! So cool :)

What are your favorite sounds?  The ocean, the rain, and babies laughing.

Why did you start your blog and what do you hope your readers get from it?  Well I have actually talked about this on my blog before. So first let me send you over there! So that is the longer version, let me give you the shorter version. I started a blog because everyone in my family had one, and my dad was giving me a hard time about not having one, and that he wanted to be updated on my life since I was away at college. So I started one. I hardly ever used it. It was called "Alycia's World" original eh? haha Then when I got engaged I started searching online for wedding ideas/etc. and got sucked into wedding blogs, and from there blogging in general. It wasn't until after I was married that I really started blogging. I love the world of creativity that blogging fosters, sharing ideas, and stories about each others lives. Blogging can be such an inspiring and uplifting pastime, and I am addicted to the "happy" it provides! I hope that people find that when reading my blog. I just love the community of sharing that blogging creates.

Thanks so much Alycia! And thanks to everyone else for reading. Now that you've gotten to know Alycia, hop on over to her blog and say hello.

If you would like to be a part of the Blogger Q+A or have a favorite blogger you'd like to nominate, please contact me at jodienoted(at)


Sami Jo Photography said...

pinky microphone. cute.

Sami Jo Photography said...

alycia, what shade of lipstick is that? i wants!!!

Alycia Grayce (Crowley Party) said...

I will do a blog post soon on beauty regime since I have had so many people ask! :) haha

... said...

Fun post! :) I love her blog too! I am new to yours. Thanks for sharing! :)

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