Wednesday, October 19


I'm not sure when or how I signed up to be one of those moms who sews Halloween costumes for their children, but apparently that's what I do now. I'm such a beginning sewer it isn't even funny. I cried over the sleeves, unintentionally skipped a few steps on the pattern, and made about a dozen trips to the fabric store. But I finished it, which is all I wanted. The fact that it is actually wearable and kind of cute shocked me silly. I have a few tweaks to make but what's most important is that Hallie loves it. She's the proudest pirate I've ever seen. And that makes my heart melt a little.

Recently I've had a strong desire to be good at something. I've dabbled in many, many hobbies and interests over the years but have never felt like I'm truly good at any one thing. I would like sewing to become something I'm good, maybe even great, at. Making this costume taught me that it will take a lot of time, patience, phone calls home to mom (aka "the expert"), and the ability to laugh at my mistakes. It won't be easy, but I'd sure like to give it a try.

Spill it: What do you wish you could be good at? What hobbies and interests have you put time and effort into being good at?


Rachel M. said...

You did an incredible job!! She is so cute!!!

Unknown said...

I too have tried lots of things over the years and I always end back at crocheting. I would love to be better at so I keep learning something new about it. I also recently rediscovered shrinky dinks. :)

BECKY said...

I want to be a great sewer and cooker.

Haylee Mollerup said...

I know I'm no seamstress, but for you being a "such a beginning sewer", you did an AMAZING job! Very impressive! And I have to say the cute girl wearing the costume makes it that much more adorable too! She looks so old with her hair pulled back! SO CUTE!

Jenni Swenson said...

My 13 year old wants to be a pirate and I needed inspiration. Thanks!

Melody said...

I can't believe you made that! You're amazing!

Michelle @ Twig said...

This is SO SO darling. Never knew a girl pirate costume could be so cute. Well well done!

karla said...

Nice work, Jodie! Very impressive! And no need to think you are a terrible seamstress - sleeves still make me nervous! I absolutely adore sewing, even though I have imperfect seams, do some unpicking on almost every project, and have more unfinished and non-started projects than I can count. Be patient with yourself as you learn and keep working on sewing projects that you really, really, love and are excited about. It will help keep your motivation up because you are looking forward to the end product so much. It is a wonderful feeling to look at something that used to be a flat piece of material that has become a finished product, beautiful, useful, and handmade. :)

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